Diana Yin

Industry Partnerships and Commercialisation Executive, Engineering

Diana supports and leads on the commercialisation of MedTech, and HealthTech related technologies from Imperial’s Faculty of Engineering and has supported on the licensing to spinout companies such as SPARTA Biodiscovery and Signatur Biosciences since joining Imperial in 2022. Prior to Imperial, Diana held various roles in Innovation and Strategy both in New Zealand and the UK, and most notably has a proven track record in supporting the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises at UCL Innovation & Enterprise.

Originally trained as Medical Laboratory Scientist in New Zealand’s largest tertiary hospital, she then obtained her MSc in Biomedical Science and a Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration from the University of Auckland before moving to the UK.

Diana's portfolio

High Quality Quantification of Cardiac Anatomy and Function through 3D deep learning

High Quality Quantification of Cardiac Anatomy and Function through 3D deep learning

Accurate quantification of cardiac anatomy and function using sparse 2D echo images achieved with an algorithm that reconstructs 3D model from 2D images. Find out more

Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool for measuring eczema severity in diverse skin tones

Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool for measuring eczema severity in diverse skin tones

An AI tool for remote assessment of eczema severity for diverse skin types. Find out more

Ultrasound transducers and reconstruction methods for volumetric imaging

Ultrasound transducers and reconstruction methods for volumetric imaging

Innovative transducer designs and image reconstruction algorithms, enabling effective 3D/4D imaging in clinical practice Find out more

High-speed 3D Structured Illumination Microscopy (SIM)

High-speed 3D Structured Illumination Microscopy (SIM)

A fast, achromatic, and light-efficient optical system that can record super-resolved Structured Illumination Microscopy (SIM) images at very high speeds, using only a single moving part. Find out more

An Inducible, multiplexed CRISPR system

An Inducible, multiplexed CRISPR system

A CRISPR-based platform for inducibly up- and down-regulating up to 24 genes in the yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Find out more

Device for Injection of Biological Materials

Device for Injection of Biological Materials

An injector to reduce the damage to biological materials such as cells during an injection process and improve the survivability of the biological materials Find out more

Detection and monitoring of COPD severity with wearable photoplethysmography

Detection and monitoring of COPD severity with wearable photoplethysmography

A wearable, non-invasive point of care tool to diagnose and monitor chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD) severity Find out more

Method for sorting cells based on avidity interactions

Method for sorting cells based on avidity interactions

A microfluidic device designed to accelerate the development of T-cell immunotherapies for cancer. Find out more

Small-molecule inducible promoters for tuned gene expression in Yarrowia lipolytica

Small-molecule inducible promoters for tuned gene expression in Yarrowia lipolytica

A method for fine-tuning gene expression in Yarrowia Lipoltica Find out more

Traction force-activated therapeutics (TrAPs)

Traction force-activated therapeutics (TrAPs)

An engineered platform for controllable, “cell-activated” therapeutic delivery. Find out more

Acoustic sub-aperture processing (ASAP) for ultrasound vascular imaging

Acoustic sub-aperture processing (ASAP) for ultrasound vascular imaging

Ultrasound is one of the most commonly used clinical imaging modalities, characterized by its real-time capability, excellent safety, ... Find out more

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