Aysen Unsal

Commercialisation Officer - Engineering

Aysen Unsal is a Commercialisation Officer at Imperial College London, supporting and leading on the commercialisation of MedTech and HealthTech related inventions from Imperial’s Faculty of Engineering. Aysen has a background in Biomedical Science and Medical Device Entrepreneurship.

Aysen's portfolio

Cellular therapy for glaucoma

Cellular therapy for glaucoma

A cellular therapy to locally deliver nitric oxide (NO) to the conventional aqueous humour outflow pathway, thereby lowering eye pressure and preserving vision in glaucoma. Find out more

Intelligent handheld surgery: precision microsurgical tools and realtime tissue mapping

Intelligent handheld surgery: precision microsurgical tools and realtime tissue mapping

Neurosurgical clip and actuator with stability and freedom of movement; non-invasive tumour identification probe for real-time mapping Find out more

Bioharmonophores for biomedical precision imaging

Bioharmonophores for biomedical precision imaging

Biodegradable, second-harmonic generating nanoprobes for targeted, high-resolution in vivo tumour imaging Find out more

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