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James Chan

James Chan

James joined Imperial in Sep 2021 as an Industry Partnerships and Commercialisation Senior Executive. He primarily takes care of IP and licensing cases from Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Department of Computing. Prior to joining Imperial,...

Catch up: Innovations in engineering with AI and machine learning

This event highlighted some of the AI, machine learning and data-driven technologies from across Imperial that are being used for applications ranging from wireless video transfer to electric vehicle charging infrastructure, planning new offshore windfarms and optimising drug development and production.

Catch up: Transition to zero pollution

Imperial.Tech.Pitch: Transition to zero pollution saw researchers and inventors from Imperial showcase their technologies and innovations that are helping companies and sectors to transition to a zero pollution future.

Catch up: Resilient infrastructure

Imperial.Tech.Pitch: Infrastructure resilience brought together inventors from Imperial to present their technology solutions to improve and enhance infrastructure around the world, from sensing and systems security through to carbon neutral concrete, corrosion prevention and design thinking innovations. 

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