A technology that transforms plastic waste into green H2 and high value, sustainable chemicals at low cost.
Technology Sectors & Industries
Miguel Cheng
Miguel is Industry Partnerships and Commercialisation Officer for the Faculty of Engineering at Imperial College London
A noise-reduction protocol for EPR/NMR and quantum sensing
A novel cooling technique to improve the speed and sensitivity of RF measurements. The technique allows quantum measurements to be performed with room-temperature equipment, as well as more sensitive and quicker EPR and NMR measurements.
Professor Mark Oxborrow
Professor Nigel Brandon
A method to manufacture porous metal mats for catalysis and energy applications
A novel method to fabricate porous metal mats with high porosity, variable/controllable thicknesses, high surface area and good mechanical strength
Professor Silvestre Pinho
Nacre-like decorated fibre for hierarchical ductile composite
A novel nacre-like fibre coating and application method that can improve the mechanical qualities of high performance composites, enabling lightweight nanocomposites with high strength, stiffness and toughness.
Dr Tom Reddyhoff
Lubricant additives to reduce fluid film friction under high pressure conditions
Novel chemical additives that reduce the fluid film friction of lubricated mechanical components under elastohydrodynamic conditions
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