This event highlighted some of the AI, machine learning and data-driven technologies from across Imperial that are being used for applications ranging from wireless video transfer to electric vehicle charging infrastructure, planning new offshore windfarms and optimising drug development and production.
Technology Sectors & Industries
Catch up: Resilient infrastructure
Imperial.Tech.Pitch: Infrastructure resilience brought together inventors from Imperial to present their technology solutions to improve and enhance infrastructure around the world, from sensing and systems security through to carbon neutral concrete, corrosion prevention and design thinking innovations. events – learn more and sign up
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MOFsoft: software modelling for optimal MOF fabrication
Our model solves an important inverse design problem in Microstructured Optical Fibre (MOF) fabrication: how to find the initial preform shape and the manufacturing parameters required for the desired final cross-plane geometry.
Dr Abhijeet Ghosh
Dr. Ghosh leads the Realistic Graphics & Imaging group in the Dept. of Computing and currently holds an EPSRC Early Career Fellowship in the area of Graphics and Vision. His research interests include realistic computer graphics, appearance modeling, computational...

Serverless Optimisation Tool
The serverless optimization tool helps to reduce the cost of operating serverless software systems. Leveraging a model-based approach, the tool first predicts the performance of a serverless-based application. Then, using numerical optimization it recommends the optimal configuration of each function such that the total operating cost is minimized while meeting target performance requirements.

Dr Giuliano Casale
Dr Giuliano Casale is an academic in the Department of Computing at Imperial College London. He leads the Quality of Service Research Lab (QORE), which focuses on quality assurance and resource management in software systems and services.
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