A seeding amplification assay with spatial resolution that visualises protein misfolding and aggregation in intact biological samples to study the mechanisms of neurodegeneration and cross-seeding between diseases.

A seeding amplification assay with spatial resolution that visualises protein misfolding and aggregation in intact biological samples to study the mechanisms of neurodegeneration and cross-seeding between diseases.
Accurate quantification of cardiac anatomy and function using sparse 2D echo images achieved with an algorithm that reconstructs 3D model from 2D images.
LhARA is a Laser hybrid Accelerator for Radiobiological Applications in which laser interactions drive the creation of a large flux of protons or light ions.
Innovative transducer designs and image reconstruction algorithms, enabling effective 3D/4D imaging in clinical practice
A fast, achromatic, and light-efficient optical system that can record super-resolved Structured Illumination Microscopy (SIM) images at very high speeds, using only a single moving part.
Neurosurgical clip and actuator with stability and freedom of movement; non-invasive tumour identification probe for real-time mapping
A system designed for generating ultrafast mid-infrared laser pulses at the wavelength at which water molecules absorb light resonantly
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