A new way to manufacture antimicrobial polymers in which an anti-microbial agent is blended into a polymer matrix through melt blending.
Technology Sectors & Industries
Professor George Britovsek
Upcycling plastic waste into high-capacity sodium-battery anodes
Plastic waste upcycling into high-performance battery anodes for the next-generation of fast-charging and low-cost sodium-ion batteries (NIBs).
A novel dry electrode manufacturing technology
A binder-less, fully dry, room temperature electrode manufacturing technology — a sustainable, cost-effective, and efficient alternative.
Dr Chun Ann Huang
IonMembrane Technologies: Next-generation ion exchange membranes for energy applications
A new generation of ion exchange membranes for electrochemical energy conversion and storage applications.
Miguel Cheng
Miguel is Industry Partnerships and Commercialisation Officer for the Faculty of Engineering at Imperial College London
Professor Nigel Brandon
A method to manufacture porous metal mats for catalysis and energy applications
A novel method to fabricate porous metal mats with high porosity, variable/controllable thicknesses, high surface area and good mechanical strength
Professor Alexander Bismarck
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